For more than ten years, research has demonstrated that carefully structured well-run mentoring programs can positively affect social behavioral, and academic outcomes for at-risk people.
Research has also shown how mentoring works through the development of a trusting relationship between the mentor and mentee. An adult mentor who provides consistent nonjudgmental support and guidance can lead to positive outcomes for Bridge Prison Ministry participants. The participants are far much better, in terms of program retention and employment.
Bridge Prison Ministry mentors offer practical support by helping participants set goals, cope with stress and everyday challenges in life. Mentoring plays an important role in keeping the participant involved in the program, church, community, employed, and less likely to recidivate.
Join The Mentoring Team
The training covers the following:
Voluteer Form
“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”
Acts 26:18